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learn forex - Gann – A Track Record That Made Millions Find Out How !
Legendary trader W D Gann amassed a fortune of $50 million dollars in the first half of the last century, although he died in 1955, his commodity trading methods are still used today with stunning success by savvy traders.
Here we will look at the basis of Gann’s method and why he was so successful and what you can learn from them.
Gann’s Trading Method
Gann’s trading method takes the emotion out of trading like all good methods it:Liquidates losses quickly and hold’s the longer-term profitable trends.
Gann’s method did just that and he had a track record that was truly stunning.
Before we look at how Gann made money, lets take a look at some of his predictions.:
1. He predicted improvements in business in 1921 and the Bull Run in stocks.
2. 1928 he forecasted the end of the Bull Market in stocks a full year in advance of the 1929 crash.

He then bought stocks in the Dow at an all time low in 1932.
3. In 1935, of 98 trades in cotton, grain, and rubber, 83 trades showed a profit.
These trades were verified independently and followed from inception to conclusion .
Gann’s Unique Method
Although Gann was a technical trader, he introduced concepts that were unique and still applicable today.
Because, he based his methods on the interaction between price and time.
Gann postulated that crucial price movements and therefore trend changes happened when price and time converged.
If price and time were not in union, then time was more important than price.
Time, was the ultimate indicator for trading, because as Gann stated all of nature was governed by time.

In the “Wall Street Stock Selector”

Gann stated:
“Just remember one thing, whatever has happened in the past in the stock market and Wall Street will happen again. Advances in bull markets will come in the future, and panics will come in the future, just as they have in the past. This is the working out of a natural law”
Gann’s work on price and time was not his only unique contribution to trading, he also used such concepts as Gann angles and The Fibonacci numbers sequence in his trading which were revolutionary at the time.
Gann produces a vast volume of work and his insight into trader psychology and his unique way of trading saw him make some stunning gains in his trading career.
What You Can Learn From Gann
All traders would do well to study Gann’s unique and disciplined trading methods, as they can (and do) help predict important trend changes and trade them for profit.
Gann was a legendary trader and studying his methods will help you seek big profit potential

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