Here is a sub variation of this strategy, better used on smaller
consolidations (40 or less). While prices are inside a 30% zone (top
or bottom) you could just place an entry order at the close blue line
price, a stop at the red line price (or a few pips beyond) and a limit
FOREX Surfing Draft
order at the other blue line. This way you don’t have to work at
catching waves, especially considering that in small channels the
price can move into the middle 40% fast and you might have missed
the sato
This is a great little technique you should definitely try often (demo
a lot first). This particular trading opportunity happens very often,
almost daily. I usually only trade during market overlap times, and
normally recommend that people only trade during those times, but
here is the exception to that rule.
Very, very often you’ll see that prices on many currency pairs
(virtually daily) enter into a small consolidation pattern between
1pm and 11pm (New York time). Most often the consolidation is
very small, but you can frequently score some small trades (say
between 5 to 15 pips). The trick to making it worth your while is to
trade multiple lots to get the profits you would like. Remember
though, if the “blue to blue” doesn’t give you at least a 5 pip profit
(preferably more) after you factor in your brokers spreads then just
pass on the sato
Little tip – try to avoid trading at the interest roll over time
(especially Wednesdays). Find out from your broker at what time
this happens for you and try not to trade during that minute,
however it’s not the end of the world if you do as (hopefully) your
profits will exceed the roughly 1 pip loss of the interest.
So there you go. Now you have a strategy to trade when most other
traders think there are no opportunities available!
forex sato
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