In this section let’s discuss grievances. Actually I just want to share some of
my “whining” with you to assure you that when you experience these kinds of
things that you are not alone. This is to help you to keep your perspective;
your sato
Sometimes your technical analysis will all point you in a particular
direction. From everything you see you think that the market “should”
behave in a certain way, but contrary to all your expectations the market does
the opposite. I swear that I question the sanity of thousands of other traders
world wide when they make the market move in ways opposing my
assessment. “What the heck are they thinking?!?!” It happens – I forgive
them – I move on.
Sometimes I get a series of unsuccessful trades. Sometimes when I lose a few
trades, in a row, I go after the market with a vengeance. Bad idea… I lose
even more. For me it’s not about the money that I lost but rather the fact that I
was wrong and made successive losses that gets to me. I go through a mental
tailspin second guessing my abilities as a trader and feeling sorry for
myself. When this happens I’ve found the best thing to do is to walk away
from the computer for at least a day, or more, until my head and my emotions
have recovered. You need to keep a calm and rational mind when
trading. Some folks are better at keeping their emotions under control than
others (I’m not an android) – you need to know how you are and know when
to stop trading to remain sato
Sometimes I break my own trading rules. Occasionally (as I actually did
today) I set my stop loss order too close to the current market price, get
stopped out then watch as I missed over a hundred pips that I should have
captured. You’d think that I should know better (after all I “wrote the
book”). Getting stopped out isn’t the problem (it’s the best way to exit a trade
when done properly), it’s when you set a stop incorrectly (allowing greed or
fear to dictate where you set it rather than appropriate judgment) that irks
me. I forgive myself for the irrational actions I’ve done, “learn from it”, and
move on remembering that “tomorrow is another trading day”. Usually
fatigue is the leading contributor to this scenario for me (as I stay up all night
trading).forex sato
I have shared the above common examples of my own follies to let you know
that I am human too. When you inevitably experience these kinds of things
yourself realize that you are normal, and don’t allow any negative emotions to
get to you.
Trading involves patience; patience in timing the markets and patience with
yourself. If you are new to trading then realize that you will make “rookie
mistakes”, so allow yourself to grow from them. Even when you are an
experienced and accomplished trader you’ll still encounter “learning
opportunities”. It is all “part of the game”.
forex sato
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