Here is an opportunity for you to try your hand at “creative
combinations”. Explore how you might use the “scalping” concepts you’ve
learned in this eBook on hourly charts rather than one minute charts. You can
also play with other time increments such as 15 minute candles or 3 hour
candle. Remember that I’ve stated that the characteristics of the market on
different scales behaves similarly. As I keep saying, “the macrocosm reflects
the microcosm and vice versa”.forex sato
It is not the scope of this eBook to expand upon this topic in any depth but I
will give you a few tips to consider:
• Your required stop will have to be proportionally larger to
accommodate the larger time frame.
• The duration of your trades will usually take longer to run its
course. This might be good for those of you who have a day job to
spread out your attention around your other commitments.
• The behavior you’ve learned to identify on one minute charts is
similar to the behavior you’ll see on the larger charts.
• Look for “scalping” types of opportunities on the larger charts, but
can you enter on that bigger trade by using a regular small scalp to
reduce your required stop?forex sato
As I’ve said in the previous section, keep your mind open to innovate
ingenious combinations of two or more standard concepts. After you have
integrated the skills you have learned (from me or any other Forex “guru” you
might study) then don’t be satisfied with just those techniques alone. Feel free
to play around and good luck to you.
forex sato

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