When I first started trading FOREX I fell in love with using
“Fibonacci” analysis. (I’ll explain a bit about using Fibonacci or
“Fibs” as I’ll call them in this eBook, but the foundation of this
eBook is not about Fibs.) I found, as many others would agree, that
Fibs are really quite powerful to catch serious profits. The problem
I experienced, however, is that most of the Fib trades would require
big stops that I wasn’t prepared to risk at that time (I had a tiny $
account). Just like the cliché, “necessity is the mother of invention”.
Well, I’ve been blessed with a mind that finds creative solutions to
problems. I’m the kind of person that sees multiple solutions. For
example, most people if asked to add 1 and 1 might say 2. Though
from straight mathematics I’d agree but I’d see other solutions, such
as if you put 1 and 1 together you’d get 11 (eleven). Or another
solution is 3 or 4. How? Well if you took one man and one woman
you could get 3 if they had a baby, or 4 if they had twins. I’ve
trained my mind to see “out side the box”. Sometimes my wife
thinks I’m crazy, wondering how the heck I come up with some of
the thoughts I express, and sometimes she thinks I’m brilliant
(though I think I’m brilliant all the time – wink – no, I’m really not
egotistical as that statement may have sounded).
Now the strategies in this eBook I’m sure are not completely unique
in the world, but chances are that you’ve never considered using
them. I’ve put together this eBook as a compilation of variations of
FOREX Surfing Draft
these strategies that I’ve developed over time. I’m sure that you’ll
find these to be quite profitable for you.
Back to how I came up with “Surfing”. Like I said earlier, I was
reluctant to risk a big stop as would normally have been required to
do the trade properly, so I tried to figure out a way to jump into a
trade with a far smaller stop. My initial theory was to wait until the
market hit the 0.618 of a big Fib and then when it started going back
up (or down if shorting the market) I’d look for a little Fib to catch.
(If I just lost you here then don’t worry, I’ll explain better later in
this eBook, and then when you re-read this you’ll understand). I
came up with a number of variations to this strategy but this is not
exactly what this eBook is about. Keep reading.
On another tangent (which soon collides together), let me talk about
some of my early strategies to catch those price explosions which
ultimately became the eBook “Explosive Profits”. Remember in
that eBook that I stated that I noticed that often prices exploded, and
for months I tried to figure out how to catch those big moves. Well,
the strategy I shared in that eBook was the best way to catch moves
from Fundamental Announcements (I’ll call them “FAs” from now
on), but I had other strategies that I came up with that I didn’t share
there, and later in this eBook I show you how to catch big moves
from Fundamental Announcements that you may have missed
because your initial trade resulted in a dud or even a 10 pip loss.
Initially, my attempts to catch these moves were really unrefined. I
started to watch my charts when FAs were being released, then as a
price explosion happened I’d immediately place a market order in
the direction it just moved. Needless to say this had mixed, forex sato
unimpressive results. But by doing this I learned two things (see
you get the benefits of my trial and errors). One – I figured there
must be a “better way” to catch FAs, which ultimately evolved into
what you learned in that eBook. Two – I started figuring out
something entirely different, which became the foundation for this
eBook that you’re reading now.
Bottom line is I spent a great deal of time figuring out the things
you’re about to learn in this eBook. I’ve done a ton of demo trading
(so as not to risk money during refining) and quite a bit of real
trading with these strategies and have found that they
FOREX Surfing Draft
CONSISTENTLY catch some real nice profits.
forex sato

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