This isn’t really so much of a technique but rather a concept for you to use
from time to time.
As you (should) already understand, if you are trading with small risk-toreward
ratios like 1:1 then you need a higher percentage of trades that you are
right about vs. being wrong. Alternately if you engage in trades that have
better ratios then you can even be wrong most of the time yet still remain
profitable. Because of the fact that as a scalper you engage in tiny trades, and
because everyday the Forex market moves multiple times the size of your
scalp stop, you can regularly capture trades that yield super risk-to-reward
rations most days.
If you look at your charts you’ll see that every week more or less looks the
same in that there are some days that are pretty dead (no significant trending,
just sideways movement), we’ll call them “flat days”, and some days trend
nicely (whether small trend of say 50 pips, or a big trend of 200 pips). Some
weeks are more impressive than others, but generally speaking there are
usually some slow flat days and some big-move days every week.
The following chart shows you 15 minute candles (so you can see more detail)
over 10 days (two weeks) of EUR/USD. Notice how there are days that
appear “flat” (just oscillating up & down), some days move nicely either up or
down, and even a few days that trend a lot. Regardless of the type of day each
day presents scalping opportunities, however the days that move present a
great opportunity for a “Day Running Scalp”.

I should clarify here that though sometimes the market does move
significantly outside of market overlap times I am not talking about those
instances, but rather just what happens during the Asian/European and
European/American overlap times.
The concept of a “Day Running Scalp” is really simple. Near the beginning
of a market overlap time watch for a trend development (resulting from any
“opportunity” mentioned earlier in this eBook). Get on board in the
appropriate direction with a scalp and then quickly secure a stop locking in
10+ pips, or at the very least (in a slow moving market) a breakeven. After
you’ve managed to secure your position then just let the trade “run”.
Regularly doing this will yield some rather nice results. Some days you’ll
simply get stopped out (for a profit as you should have attempted to secure
even a meager amount), but some days you’ll score a nice “Run” of 50, 100,
150 and sometimes even more pips. Catching say 100 pips is a 1:10 ratio,
which one nice trade such as this can compensate for some losses (not every
scalp ends profitably), and will result for some nice gains.
With such a scalp started early in the session you can still do other trades
throughout the session while that one is “Running”.
There are three things to watch for with a Day Running Scalp.
1. Watch out for Fundamentals that might burn you.
2. Watch for a mid-day reversal so you might want to exit the trade early.
3. Plan to exit the trade using a “Noon-Time” exit strategy (getting out
by the end of the overlap time) as if you hit on a successful “Day Run”
then this is the time to take your profits.
Keep in mind that you can be scalping for small pips, and it’s good to do
under favorable circumstances, however if you can leverage a scalp into a
larger trade by letting your scalp “Run” then go for it, as that is how you’ll
score a significant amount of your net profits.
forex sato

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